What is Reiki?

The word Reiki (pronounced ray key, can be split into two words:

Rei –meaning Universal

Ki -  meaning the vital force or energy within every living thing.

Many cultures recognize and understand the  importance of Ki and its effects on our health and well being. You may know it as Chi, or Prana.
Reiki is a form of hands on healing with its origins in India and the East, dating back many         thousands of years.
Reiki is holistic, working on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of existence.
Reiki is pure unconditional love and joy, bringing all who experience  and embrace it together in harmony.
Reiki is free from all religions, making it open to people from all walks of life. 
During the treatment, energy is channeled through the hands of the healer into the recipients energy field
During a Reiki treatment you remain fully clothed. (Loose, comfortable clothing is recommended) .
You will either recline comfortably on a massage table or be seated on  a chair.
The most noticeable immediate effect of the  treatment is a state of deep relaxation and a general feeling of well-being.
Reiki is a very relaxing experience and is suitable for all ages.




Sound Reiki

Combining Reiki and Sound together can have a deeper healing effect. There are seven major energy centres - called Chakras  in the body and many more minor ones. Ailments could be brought on by an imbalance in one or more of these chakras.
Reiki can balance them, but we may enhance the Reiki by using specific sound pitches.   The benefits of Sound Reiki  include:
Physical Healing,
Releasing Emotional Blockages,
Stress reduction and relaxation .
Increased spiritual awareness
Improved overall well-being.
I offer 30 minute and  60 minute treatments

Reiki works effectively alongside  all other  therapies and  medical treatments. It can help support the well-being of people receiving treatments from surgery, chemotherapy, chronic pain, Parkinson's disease, etc. 

Reiki can support emotional wellness and help to improve mood. Making it an ideal choice to relieve depression, anxiety, stress and tension and help increase self-esteem, self-love and confidence. 

Reiki breaks down energy blocks and balance the chakras and helps with spiritual growth. 

Regular contact with Reiki will bring the recipients whole state of being into balance and helps  overall health and well-being.

Prices:  For one hour Reiki or sound healing session it is £40. Half hour sessions are £25. 

Dreams have played a significant role in healing practices throughout history across various cultures. In ancient civilizations, dreams were often seen as messages from the divine or the subconscious, providing insights into a person's health and well-being. Here are a few examples:
 Ancient Egypt**: Egyptians believed that dreams were a way to communicate with the gods. They often sought guidance from dream interpreters, known as "seers," who would help them understand the messages in their dreams. Temples dedicated to the god Serapis were used as dream incubation sites where people would sleep in hopes of receiving healing dreams.
Ancient Greece**: The Greeks also placed great importance on dreams for healing. The practice of dream incubation was common in the temples of Asclepius, the god of medicine. Patients would sleep in these temples, hoping to receive a dream that would reveal a cure or a path to healing.
Indigenous Cultures**: Many indigenous cultures around the world have used dreams as a tool for healing and spiritual guidance. For example, Native American tribes often view dreams as a way to connect with the spiritual world, and shamans may use dreams to diagnose and treat illnesses.
Traditional Chinese Medicine**: In traditional Chinese medicine, dreams are considered a reflection of the body's internal state. 
Psychoanalysis**: In the early 20th century, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung explored the role of dreams in understanding the human psyche. Freud believed that dreams were a window into the unconscious mind, revealing repressed desires and emotions. Jung saw dreams as a way to achieve personal growth and healing by integrating different aspects of the self.
Throughout history, dreams have been valued as a powerful tool for understanding and improving one's health, offering a unique blend of spiritual, psychological and physical insights.
Dream Reiki, combines the powerful healing of Reiki with the power of the dream to bring about transformative changes. It offers you the chance of profound insights and self-discovery helping you harness the wisdom of your subconscious for a more harmonious and balanced life. If there is an issue or issues that have been bothering you, then you may gain a good resolution with this treatment. 
A dream Reiki treatment is 60 minutes approximately  and is £50. 

Complete Reiki Plus+

Complete Reiki plus + is an  advanced therapy that combines   Reiki with  additional therapeutic  modalities.   These
 sessions are laser focused on the  clients issues, such as Anxiety,  Depression,  Addiction, Chronic pain (back pain, migraines etc.)  Phobias, we work deeply with the   unconscious mind where these issues reside.
We would initially have a 15/20minute free consultation to discuss your needs. This can be done online or by telephone.
If we agree to work together, then an  appointment can be arranged and a more detailed questionnaire will be emailed out to you or posted if you do not have email.     
Complete Reiki Plus treatments are delivered usually as package of treatments, depending on the issue being treated they can be from three to six sessions and some sessions can be two hours or more. We are often dealing with more complex issues with CRP+in which many aspects have to  be addressed. We can discuss this during the consultation call.  


If you would like to be added to my distant healing list or wish someone else to be added, then please email me at paulkaydhp@kholistictherapy.com There is no fee for this service.